New Years Resolutions

Here are a few little thoughts to get you started for the new year. I have found these on various web sites.

I especially want to THANK all the “educators” — whether they be community college teachers, manufacturer trainers, company owners who make the time to allow their techs to continue their education, trade unions that offer continuing education for their members, and to all the techs who continually seeks to keep up with our fast changing technology —  It all comes down to PERSONAL IMPROVEMENT through TRAINING. Don’t ever stop learning! There is always something new occurring out there and we need to keep up with it if we want to be successful and the best we can be!.


CFO_CEO Advice Improvement

Hope these inspire you as they have inspired me.


About yorkcentraltechtalk

I have been in the HVAC industry most of my life. I worked 25 years for contractors on anything from residential to large commercial boilers and power burners. For the past 23+ years I had been employed by York International UPG Division ( a division of Johnson Controls) as a Technical support/Service Manager but I am now retired. One of my goals has always been to "educate" dealers and contractors. The reason for starting this blog was to share some knowledge, thoughts, ideas, etc with anyone who takes the time to read it. The contents of this blog are my own opinions, thoughts, experiences and should not be construed as those of Johnson Controls York UPG in any way. I hope you find this a help. I always welcome comments and suggestions for postings and will do my best to address any thoughts, questions, or topics you may want to hear about. Thanks for taking the time to read my postings! Mike Bishop
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2 Responses to New Years Resolutions

  1. Gino says:

    Thanks for sharing your personal improvement thoughts!

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